
Better to Receive?

Why are flowers always prettier when some else gives them to you?  There's nothing like a partner who remembers you like roses.  Anyway, save your jars---they make the best vases for casual, cottage style arrangements.  And don't forget to cut the stems to fit the height of the container.


Bill said...

Flowers are always wonderful -- giving, receiving, cutting, arranging. I love the beautiful simplicity of these roses, stems cut short and casually arranged in a mason jar. A row of these down the center of a long table at an outdoor wedding would be stunning!

Hope your weekend goes well.

Mary said...

I love giving them as much as receiving. Are pink your favourite? I like creamy-yellow and I like them simple without any ferns or baby's breath.

I bought some cream roses today in preparation for a party tomorrow. I put them in a brand new mercury glass container and set them on the buffet. A few hours later I found the glass container had cracked (don't know why) and the water leaked all over the buffet and floor! I bet a mason jar wouldn't have done that.

I think I need to go back and trim the stems a bit more - to the height of the container. :)